Saturday, May 17, 2014


I shot this editorial for Suitcase Magazine a few months back: you can pick a copy of the current issue pretty much anywhere in the UK and have a look at my desert shots and portraits of one of the local Bedouin Tribes. 

I used expired Ektachrome 200 medium format film which survived against all the odd against sudden thermic excursions, angry Jordanian x ray machines and the sand. lots of sand.

It was great to take on the analogue challenge and capture such beautiful land on celluloid. I remember the work of Rick Smolan for the famous National Geographic story 'From Alice To Ocean', in 1992; it was all shot on the same transparency film and it looked beautiful.

I was very pleased with the results, i loved that soft/crisp look and the slightly offset colours. Would never have felt the same with digital so i'm glad i stuck with celluloid once again

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